#100dayschallengeinvedicmath||Day2-Multiply any number by multiples of 11
#100dayschallengeinvedicmath||Day2-Multiply any number by multiples of 11
- Multiply the multiplicand by (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) accordingly
- Find Functional base of 11
- Append number of zeros in functional base before and after the given multiplicand.
- Pair from right and add
- Balance it
Type1: 45 x 22
- 45 X 2= 90
- Functional Base:10
- Note :Base Number is something which ends in zero.
- 10 has only one zero so append one zero at the start and end.
- 0900
- Pair it and add from right
- (0+9)(9+0)(0+0)
- Answer is 990
Type1: 48 x 66
- 48 X 6=288
- Functional Base:10
- Note :Base Number is something which ends in zero.
- 10 has only one zero so append one zero at the start and end.
- 02880
- Pair it and add from right
- (0+2)(2+8)(8+8)(8+0)
- (2)(10)(16)8
- Balance :3168
Work out More sums:
- 23 x 99
- 49 x 88
- 39 x 77
- 50 x 44
- 67 x 33
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